
Moonlit Moment

Moonlit Moment arrived back at Tranquility Farm yesterday after five years of wonderful life with an adopter who adored him. He walked into the barn like he had just been here yesterday. Still, it was a sad event because it represented such a loss to an owner who had loved him so much. I asked Moonlit Moment's adopter to write me about his expereinces over the past years so that I could best find him another home, and I'll let her speak for him.
"Moon has been a wonderful friend, companion and soulmate. Our relationship is about love trust and gentleness. He does not need a lot of training gear... he lunges on hand movements and sound. We like to ride best with a bareback pad and halter just playing in the meadow outside the property or jumping small jumps and over haystacks.I bet he would enjoy dressage, that was going to be our next thing because his mind could be put to use along with his great beauty."

So if you are looking for a kind and trustworthy horse to join your family please consider coming up to Tranquility Farm to meet Moonlit Moment. It is hard to send a horse who has had such a wonderful relationship with his family out into the pasture to retire. Moonlit Moment has many wonderful years ahead and love to give.